Residential Building

Often home and farm owners are looking for cost effective solutions for needed additional space. Phoenix specializes in helping individuals tailor buildings that will meet their specific criteria for functionality.

2. Phoenix will make a site visit to meet you and evaluate your needs and the building location. At that time, we will discuss city codes to determine if you might need any permits. We will also go over a number of questions to make sure you have exactly what you need and want. For example, do you simply need a building? Will you need a concrete pad, or are you working with a contractor who is handling that?

How Does The Process Work?

1. Contact Phoenix to discuss your needs.

3. Phoenix will custom build your structure and deliver it to you.

Phoenix has industry partners who specialize in concrete and in finishing interiors for the metal buildings. We would be happy to assist you in coordinating these efforts.

What Are Common Types of Residential Buildings?



Pool Houses

Tractor Sheds

Storage Spaces

Hay Sheds

Other Farm Related Structures